Uniforms are supplied exclusively by Lands End, with the exception of shoes, socks, and tights, which may be purchased at any store of your choosing. Socks and shoes must be worn during school hours (no flip-flops, sandals or bare feet).
SJS logo external wear is the only clothing type authorized to be worn in the classrooms.
Non-uniform jackets may be worn outside school buildings before or after school, or during morning/lunch recesses.
The SJS Lands End school uniform consists of the following:
TK - 6th
White polos - Interlock or Mesh (Unisex or Tailored)
Blue polos - Interlock or Mesh (Unisex or Tailored)
Plaid Skort - Fingertip length (for girls)
Navy blue pants
Navy blue shorts - Fingertip length (for girls)
Belt (for grades 5 - 8 | boys & girls): Solid brown, black or navy with a small buckle and no other ornamentation. Must be worn on any garment with loops.
Optional: Blue v-neck sweater & sweater vest — personalized name can be added
7th - 8th
Maize or Light Gray polos - Interlock or Mesh (Unisex or Tailored)
A-line skirt - (with mandatory shorts) + fingertip length
Pleated skort - Fingertip length
Navy blue pants
Navy blue shorts - Fingertip length (for girls)
Belt (for grades 5 - 8 | boys & girls): Solid brown, black or navy with a small buckle and no other ornamentation. Must be worn on any garment with loops.
Optional: Coal Heather v-neck sweater - personalized name can be added
P.E UNIFORM All Grades - 2x a week
Navy Blue - Rapid Dry Polo Shirt (short sleeve)
Athletic Shorts - Girl or Boy (new plain blue or discontinued style okay)
Active track pants (option 1)
Jogger Sweatpants with Saint John logo (option 2)
Active track jacket (optional outerwear)
All Grades - Fridays
Spirit shirt - Gray essential logo’d t-shirt
Worn with jeans, uniform bottoms or P.E. bottoms (if student has P.E. on Fridays)
Spirit Sweatshirts - Any St. John sweatshirt is allowed (except CYO) on Fridays. Approved Spirit Outerwear: Student-Council, Tie-dye, Wizard of Oz (or current play) can be worn, only on Fridays
Personalization with Last Name on right side available as an add on (for these items)
Name personalization is NOT required but HIGHLY ENCOURAGED
Personalization with Last Name on right side available as an add on (for these items)
Name personalization is NOT required but HIGHLY ENCOURAGED

Click the link below. Create or sign into your Lands End account.
Include your student and school information in My Account. Or find SJS using the Preferred School Number Search: 900182502. Start shopping with your personalized product checklist for corresponding grade.
Phone: Call 1-800-469-2222 and reference your student’s Preferred School Number 900182502, grade level and gender. Lands End team of consultants are available 24/7 for assistance.
for complete list of uniform policies (including free dress days) - please refer to PDF in facts family portal (in resource document section)
Socks: black, white or gray only (logo okay)
Shoes: tennis/sports shoes only. No boots, open toed, sandals or crocs
Leggings: may be worn with uniform skirts only and must be blue, black, or white
Jewelry: necklaces need to be religious only. No dangly or hoop earrings. No rings or bracelets. Permanent items (i.e. anklets) must be covered by uniform clothing/socks
Hair: boys - above collar, above eye, no extreme hair styles. Both boy’s and girl’s hair should be appropriately groomed
Plain/Non St. John School jackets: may be worn OUTSIDE ONLY (no Logos allowed)
No hats: Leave them at home. Exception would be sports free dress day
No makeup allowed
Shirts Tucked In: polo shirts need to be tucked in whenever indoors
Shirts for grades 5 - 8: polo shirts must be tucked in when at the lunch tables & indoors
Girls skirts, skorts and shorts: MUST be fingertip length
PE (Rapid Dry Polo shirts): ONLY on P.E. days