SJS Foundation
St. John the Baptist Catholic School has been serving the Healdsburg (and surrounding) community since 1950. Originally staffed by the Sisters of the Infant Jesus, it exists today as one of the most beloved Catholic Schools in Sonoma County.
Generations of students have been nurtured spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, and physically on our small-town campus adjacent to St. John the Baptist Church. Throughout all the changes over the years- to our curriculum, staff, and campus- one thing has remained constant. We've remained true to our mission of being " dedicated to the work of Christ."
There are many ways to give to the Foundation: Cash/Check/Online Donations: Any gift that's meaningful to you is truly appreciated.
GIFTS BY WILL: Bequests recognize the opportunity to make a lasting contribution to support the programs of the Foundation.
MEMORIALIZE: Cash gifts are a great way to honor a family member or friend on a special occasion.
IRA'S PROFIT SHARING, & 401(K)S: Because these assets can be subject to both income and estate tax at death, designating the school as a beneficiary can help reduce taxes to be paid.
INSURANCE: You may wish to designate the Foundation as a beneficiary of your policy.
LIFE INCOME AGREEMENTS: Making a gift while maintaining income.
CHARITABLE TRUSTS: Trusts are a very useful tool for estate planning and they can be tailored to serve your special needs.
To assist you with planning your gift, we encourage you to work with a qualified estate planning attorney, tax advisor, or financial professional.
OUR Purpose
Established in late 2019, The Saint John the Baptist Healdsburg School Foundation was formed to ensure the school's financial viability now and for years to come. Its mission is to provide the school with self-sustaining, independent financial resources, capable of supporting the school at present and into the future.
The main goals of the foundation are as follows:
· Sustainability of the school and facility improvement and development
· Expansion of curriculum and program offerings
· Create a need based tuition endowment
· Fund specific interest opportunities by donors
· Support teacher and staff professional development and retention
an independent tax-exempt 501(c)3 | Tax ID 84-4073455
We are able to receive cash donations, tax-deductible bequests, transfers or gifts.
Honor the Past
Improve the Present
Ensure the Future
Honor the Past
Improve the Present
Ensure the Future
Honor the Past • Improve the Present • Ensure the Future • Honor the Past • Improve the Present • Ensure the Future

The Foundation at Work
A couple of early gifts to the Foundation enabled St. John's School to establish The Learning Center in 2020. This resource center is open to all students who need direct specialized individual or small group instruction and has been incredibly important and valuable to our students. It includes the use of occupational therapy tools and an opportunity for accelerated learners to maximize their development. The Center started with one full-time resource teacher and part-time aide. We also expanded the center to an additional building adjacent to campus. This expansion allows for more individualized instruction, increased small group work and improved student success plans (to better identify needs and chart student progress). It also allows for the development of resource partnerships that we will be working with outside of St. John's. This will continue to be a foundation focus in the future.
Contact Us
P.O. Box 625 Healdsburg, California 95448
707.433.2758 |