Mrs. Suzanne Crotty
Religion Teacher
religion program overview
We use the Faith and Life series from Ignatius Press for our religion curriculum. This series teaches the whole message of salvation each year throughout the elementary grades, while highlighting two or three elements at each grade level.
All students participate in the Virtues in Practice program, which presents virtues paired with the saints who exemplify them, in a three-year cycle of faith, hope and charity.
We all celebrate Catholic Schools Week in January, with a variety of religious and secular activities which highlight the values of kindness, generosity and fun.
Our social service program, called FIAT – FAITH IN ACTION TODAY – gives the students in every grade the opportunity to participate in serving our neighbor in a wide variety of projects.
We have a weekly school Mass and monthly Sunday Family Mass, in which students participate as readers, gift-bearers, altar servers and choir members.
Religion by GRADE LEVEL
Children learn of God’s love through stories and beginning to pray.
Children begin to learn about Jesus, and pray the Sign of the Cross and Morning Prayer.
“Our Heavenly Father” focuses on God the Father. Children learn the Our Father, Hail Mary and Guardian Angel prayer. In May, they are the leaders for the Mothers Mass.
“Jesus Our Life” is the text for this sacramental year. The children prepare to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. Children who are not Catholic are assured of God’s love and forgiveness in their lives as they learn about the sacraments. Second-graders start to learn about the Mass and their responsibility to participate in it. Their new prayer is the Act of Contrition. They also lead the All Saints Mass in November.
“Our Life with Jesus” focuses on the Ten Commandments and the Law of Love, deepening the children’s moral sense. The Apostles’ Creed is memorized. The students lead us in some feast day celebrations – St. Lucia and St. Joseph – as well as ,the Stations of the Cross.
In “Jesus Our Guide,” the focus is on God’s plan in history, from the Old Testament through the Incarnation, to the institution of the Church and the Sacraments. Their new prayer is the Angelus. Fourth-graders always lead us at our Ash Wednesday Mass.
“Credo: I Believe” goes through the articles of the Nicene Creed – God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Students also deepen their understanding of Sacred Scripture. Fifth grade is in charge of the Blessing of the Animals service and a special presentation of the Stations of the Cross.
“Following Christ” emphasizes the importance of a Christian life of love, especially through the Ten Commandments and the Mass. The students also receive their first lessons in the Credible Catholic program. Sixth-graders take on the special mission task of tidying up the church every Friday in preparation for the weekend liturgies.
In “The Life of Grace,” the sacraments are once again brought into the limelight, as many of the students complete their initiation into membership in the Catholic Church through their reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation. They study the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in depth, and also begin to delve into some of the difficult moral and ethical issues which they will face as adults. They continue to receive instruction in the Credible Catholic program.
“Our Life in the Church” brings into focus the history and structure of the Church, including a study of the saints and the Church Fathers. There is much discussion of the topic of vocation, as the students begin to discern God’s plan for their lives. They conclude the lessons of the Credible Catholic program.

TK and Kindergarten do not attend weekly mass regularly. When they can join the larger student body, they have the privilege of sitting with their “big buddies”, students in either 3rd or 6th grade, who set the example and help them to sit and join in as appropriate.
Students in First grade attend mass weekly. Preparations for the sacraments of Reconciliation (Confession and Penance) and First Communion begin.
Students receive both Reconciliation (confession and penance) and First Communion in second grade.
In addition to weekly mass for the students, the school and the church have one Sunday a month as the designated “Family Mass”. Students are asked to attend with their families in full uniform. Staff is also encouraged to be present. These occasions are indicated on the school calendar.