Mrs. Kim Arata
Sixth Grade Teacher
Mrs. Christina Giordani
Sixth Grade Aide
A wide range of literary types including short novels will be read and discussed. Reading skills will continue to be developed. Further work on dictionary skills and vocabulary is also a part of the reading program in sixth grade. Writing skills will also continue to be developed with the practice of narrative, expository, descriptive, persuasive, and analytical paragraphs/essays. A variety of creative writing activities that stretch the sixth graders’ imagination and help them acquire critical thinking skills will be included in the English program. Additionally, further study of parts of speech will be covered. With the writing skills the sixth grade students have learned, they will write and illustrate their own fairytale book for their first grade buddy.
The emphasis of the sixth grade math curriculum is on algebra, algebraic equations, decimals, fractions, percent, ratios, proportions, negative/positive numbers and geometry. Sixth grade students will conclude the year with designing, building, & calculating the cost of their own Math City.
Earth Science is the focus of study for sixth grade students. Students will study the scientific method, rocks & minerals, natural resources, plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes, weather & climate. Additionally, sixth graders will study the human eye and dissect a cow eye. Then study the human heart and dissect a pig heart.
social studies | history
The ancient world civilizations will be the area of study this year. Students will analyze the geographic, political, economic, religious, and social structures of the early civilizations of Mesopotamia, Kush, Egypt, Greece, India, China, and the Roman Empire. The sixth grade class will create their own Egyptian Museum with artifacts that they created. At the end of the year, the students will take what they have learned from Ancient Greece and participate in their own Greek Olympics.