
Audra La Sala
Kindergarten Teacher
Judy Sarao
Kindergarten Aide
Jenny Lopez
Kindergarten Aide

This crucial early stage of education is when children begin to develop the foundational skills and attitudes that are essential for a child's lifelong learning journey.
We use the SuperKids curriculum for reading, phonics, and writing. We also use Handwriting Without Tears for handwriting development.
We use the GoMath curriculum that is aligned with common core standards to teach students the number names, counting order, comparison, place value, addition, subtraction, & to describe and identify 2D and 3D shapes.
Throughout the year we include science in our curriculum. We use Scholastic weekly readers and other curriculums to introduce and cover these topics such as life cycles, animal habitats, weather, and space.
social + emotional learning
This includes children’s experiences, their expression, management of emotions, and their ability to establish positive and rewarding relationships with others.
In Kindergarten we use the “I am Special Series”, which focuses mainly on the children and their families as an “extended family” and part of God’s family. We learn about the different celebrations within the Church.
social studies | history
field trips
physical education
Everyday, we focus on developing gross motor skills like running, walking, skipping, throwing, and catching through different outdoor activities at recess. Students also attend PE class 2 times a week to continue developing their gross motor skills.
KINDER & Third Grade
Special relationships are built between Kinders and their 3rd grade buddies with time spent together weekly.
One of the kids favorite days with their buddy is the yearly Buddy Bear Picnic & Reading.