Mrs. Maeve O’Sullivan
First Grade Teacher
Mrs. Cheryl Rettig
First Grade Aide
first grade overview
The primary purpose of the first grade program is to develop the whole child academically and socially within a positive learning environment. The students will achieve success in the learning process by participating in a developmentally appropriate curriculum, learning through both teacher directed and student directed activities. First grade will establish a foundation for independent growth while promoting an enthusiasm for understanding, discovery and global awareness.
Reading in first grade is emphasized. We offer a strong foundation of phonemic awareness, all vowel sounds, sight words and comprehension skills. During the second semester, the AR Program is utilized. This encourages students to read at an individual pace and to self assess their understanding of chosen books. We have found that this reading program develops a love of reading and has contributed to much progress in this basic skill. Grammar: Capitalization and punctuation are emphasized on a daily basis through a morning assignment - the Daily Edit. These skills are also learned through journal writing and sentence construction. Spelling: Monthly spelling words are practiced through memorization, games and written assignments.
First grade students study birds, the oceans and marine life, rocks and minerals, food groups and healthy bodies and insects. Students explore the life cycle of insects through raising silkworms and mosquitoes in the classroom. They study and classify rocks and minerals and participate in related science experiments and field trips.
First grade students are capable of adding and subtracting, using a number line, completing fact families and solving double digit problems. Conceptual understanding of place value, graphing and geometry are additional skills learned in first grade. Coin recognition, odd and even numbers and doubles all comprise basic math skills taught in this grade.
Students memorize and recite prayers on a daily basis. They learn Bible stories and lessons on being practicing Catholics, demonstrating kindness and empathy towards others. Students also know about The Mass, The Trinity, Christmas etc. and receive daily instruction through a religion textbook. By participating in Service Projects, students live the Christian lessons they have learned.
social studies | history
Students learn about the seven continents, map skills and symbols of the USA. Comparisons between past and present schools and cities are taught and students learn about important historical events. In February, students learn about Black History Month and in March, Women’s history is emphasized.
1 - Pen pal program with a first grade class in Ireland, in addition to, learning Irish group dances
2 - “Piggy Math” using Marcy Cook number tiles
3 - Participation in a global art program “Paintbrush Diplomacy”
4 - Raising silkworms in the classroom
5 - Adopting a class puffin bird
In first grade, each day starts with a song related to a month or a skill. There is a strong emphasis on learning through music and song in every subject. In music class, students sing, listen to and share musical ideas while experiencing and exploring music through playing simple instruments and movement.